Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Sweet Success!!!

I finally have gotten a chance to to make a brief post reflecting on my race. In this case a picture certainly is worth 1000 words :-).

I also wanted to ask donations one final time. It is not to late to donate! I am able to continue accepting donations until the end of the month. Thanks everyone for the incredible and continuing support. Ok, now back to my race day!

What an incredible day it was! It was certainly not perfect. I was nearly late to the start of the swim. I had some GI tract issues on the bike (I know TMI). And by the end the run had turned into more of a walk shuffle. Nevertheless, any extra challenge just made the success all that much sweeter! Without a doubt this was one of the best days of my life. Between the the amazing cheering support from family, friends, Silicon Valley Ironteam, LA Ironteam; and the fact that I was running around my home town...I don't think I have every laughed so much while also in so much "discomfort". 

There are so many people to thank that there is no way I will do it in one post! I want to start by saying thanks to the TNT and the amazing coaches that gotten me to this point. They were incredible. And for me I was particularly lucky since I had 2 teams cheering for me!

To LA Ironteam! Thank you for getting me started this year. I took huge strides in my fitness during the first 4 months and have you to thank for it. I missed you dearly but was happy I still got to see you at Wildflower and the Big Event at Vineman. I was certainly feeling the love with the poster! Thank you!

And of course Silicon Valley could not be out done :-) (The SV poster WAS a little bigger...). Thank you for adopting me from LA without any hesitation, at least none that I was aware of...:-) 

There are so many people I want to thank but I will have to get to that in time. It was a glorious day! Alright signing off for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?


