Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Thanks for visiting my Team-in-Training Fundraising Page!

In June of this year (2011) I had the great fortune of graduating college. For the last six months I have been extremely busy getting accustomed to "real life". Despite feeling overwhelmed at times...I have come to recognize how lucky I am to have great health and a great education. Through no act of my own I have the ability to pursue my life passions essentially unhindered. Being out of college of I have a little more time and really want to give back...

In the last six months a number of events in my life have made me truly understand how precious life is. Perhaps the most visceral event was the birth and passing of Ruthie Lou Lands (8/9/11-9/10/11), the beautiful daughter of my sister-in-law Amy Lands. Born with abnormal chromosomes, Routhie Lou graced us with her presence for just over 1 month, a month that was a miracle to the Lands family.

For these reasons, for Routhie Lou and for people like her, those that can't fight for life on their own, I have chosen to use my health to its fullest potential by swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and running 26.2 miles (yes all in a row!), my first ever Ironman triathlon. With your generous donation, if you choose to make one, you can help fund the effort to fight the suffering caused in the world by debilitating diseases. You can give more people this opportunity to live…to flourish!

Your donation will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training to help find cures and better treatments for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease and melanoma.

Please make a donation if you are able, and if you are not, that is ok! I just ask that you think about what you have to be grateful for and take an extra moment to appreciate it :).


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